«The Lord created the cat so that man would know
what it’s like to iron a tiger» Fernand Mary

Cattery of Egyptian Mau catsEgyptian Mau is a mysterious and unusual breed of cats, they are distinguished by a special pride, poise and absolute awareness of their own merits. But can animals, whose ancestors were deities, be different? Our Cattery cats Egyptian Mau will open the veil of these mysterious cats, and also from us you can buy really pure Egyptian Mau.

Welcome to Cattery cats Egyptian Mau!

Presumably the history of Egyptian Mau cats dates back more than 3000 years. If compared with ancient frescoes, one can say that the appearance of modern Mau is very similar to her ancestors. In ancient times, these cats symbolized the gods Ra and Bast. Archaeologists in the east of Sakkara found a cat necropolis. In the era of the New Kingdom here was the temple of the goddess Bastet. Scientists for a long time studied the tombs of nobles cut down in the rocks, where many mummies of cats were discovered. The Egyptians portrayed a goddess who was represented by a woman, but with the head of a cat. Images of cat or cat statuettes were given to bring the owner love and prosperity. And it was also believed that the «cat’s» symbolism can be protected from dark forces and evil. Crowds of pilgrims besieged the sanctuary of Bastet. In the church, often peasants bought mummies of cats and gave them to the priests. They were buried in special cells. It was believed that in the afterlife, cats can transmit the requests of pilgrims. There was even a celebration in honor of Bastet.

Photo of cats and kittens of Egyptian Mau Cattery

Buy Egyptian Mau — only in our Cattery Cats Egyptian Mau You can buy purebred Mau!

Contacts — Cattery Egyptian Mau

Buy Egyptian Mau — only in our cattery Egyptian Mau you can buy purebred Mau!

Phone: Russia Moscow+7(495)231-61-81+7(985)231-61-81

Representative Office in Ukraine, Kharkiv +38(096)130-67-68

Email: pretty-cats@yandex.ru

Email: support@abyssin.net — technical support site administration site.
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Cost of a kitten: How much is a purebred kitten in the cattery of rare breeds??

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Egyptian Mau kittens are waiting for your call or email, do not delay for tomorrow, contact our Cattery Cat Egyptian Mau right now!